The 2015 COSTA Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday 3rd June 2015, 7:00pm – 8:00pm in the Marquee at COSTA, President Grant’s Homestead, Dergenagh Dungannon.
This was followed by a short round-up and Celebration of COSTA’s achievements during the past year. The AGM was very informal and member groups participated in an excellent networking opportunity to get up-dated on the work of COSTA, and to hear about the latest developments, funding opportunities, and issues for the voluntary and community sector today.
The Guest Speaker was Cllr Linda Dillon, Chair of the new Mid Ulster District Council who provided a very informative update on our new Structures and Community Planning.
Attendees also availed of a wide range of information and resources including the COSTA Annual Report and information on the DARD-funded, Rural Community Development Support Service, and also the MARA Project which is supported by the Public Health Agency.
For further information or a copy of our Annual Report - please contact COSTA on Tel: 028 855 56880 or Email: [email protected]